Do the Green Thing’s Born to Walk

We’re big fans of Do The Green Thing and their approach to conveying sustainability through creativity (and that’s not just because they are a client of ours).

Here’s their latest piece of narrative creativity: Born to Walk:

It’s time to act like a publisher to see social media success

This is an email I sent to our contacts explaining why we’ve chosen to focus our attention on editorial services. After I’d written it I thought it should also live as a blog post….

By now you probably have a Facebook fan page, a Twitter feed and maybe a branded YouTube channel. But are you still wondering why this social media investment has yet to pay off?

The businesses that succeed with social media are the ones who’ve found an online voice that resonates. They are creative. They tell good stories. They listen. They inform. They encourage feedback.

While it’s relatively easy to build social media channels, it’s not easy to develop the right editorial voice that keeps your community engaged. We know because for nearly 20 years we’ve been creating editorial content for major publications and companies.

Drawing on that experience we’ve developed editorial services intended to help companies capitalise on the social media commitment they’ve already made.

We provide:

•    Training Workshops: Our Think Like an Editor (both introductory and intensive) training provides the core skills for planning and running online editorial content.
•    Social Editorial Consulting: We work closely with communication teams to provide strategy, advice and content creation skills as they develop their own online media operations. We also advise on sustainability and crisis communications and how they need to be handled in the Web 2.0 era.
•    Editorial Creation: Whether it’s a social media magazine, an iPad content strategy or repackaging campaign content for meaningful social media conversation our combination of journalism and social media strategy experience can help.

Over the years we’ve created and edited content about travel, business, sustainability, lifestyle and sport for dozens of major publications and we’ve advised companies such as Lloyds Banking Group, PwC, the Rough Guides and Volkswagen on social media strategy and publishing since 2005.

You can learn more about our work at or feel free to contact me on 07949 830256.

Working together we can help you tell your story online.

The Danube’s Deadly Secrets - Sustainability Snack

The Danube river basin is a toxic time bomb according to a new WWF study reported on by the Guardian. In the aftermath of last week’s toxic sludge spill in Hungary, the WWF demonstrates how the river flows through a series of heavy industrial developments, many of which have been neglected over the last few decades.

The danger says the WWF is  that,”There are a string of disasters waiting to happen at sites across the Danube basin.”

Using EU data WWF has identified that Hungary has the most vulnerable sites but warns that Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria also have industrial dumps that pose a significant environmental and freshwater threat.

This is the daily Sustainability Snack provided by Custom Communication. We publish in-depth smart sustainability news digests individually tailored for companies and their employees. Contact us to hear how we can deliver you the sustainability news you need to know about.

Sustainability Snack: Google Looks to Redraw America’s Power Grid

Google and Good Energies, a New York-based investment firm specialising in renewable energy, are backing a new $5 billion wind farm energy transmission project off the Atlantic Seaboard “that could ultimately transform the region’s electrical map.” the New York Times reports this morning.

Regulators and politicians are said to be excited about the project not least because it proposes to harvest and link wind power to consumers in reliable and unobtrusive way.

“Conceptually it looks to me to be one of the most interesting transmission projects that I’ve ever seen walk through the door,” said Jon Wellinghoff, the chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which oversees interstate electricity transmission. “It provides a gathering point for offshore wind for multiple projects up and down the coast,” he told the NYT.

Custom Communication provides smart sustainability news digests individually tailored for companies and their employees. Contact us to hear how we can deliver you the sustainability news you need to know about.

CNN looks at Social Media and Small Business

CNN Digital Biz offers a look at the way social media is shaping small business marketing and customer engagement and they were nice enough to come to Custom Communication for some insight.