Social Media Crisis Communications

As BP recently discovered, deploying old-school PR methods to defuse a crisis is no longer acceptable corporate comms practice in an age where damaging “news” can break from a Twitter feed, blog post or YouTube clip. While these social tools that can sink the reputation of a slow-footed organisation, they can be used to great effect by the social-savvy company to manage its communications swiftly, openly and with greater impact for all your stakeholders in a time of crisis.

This one-day workshop covers the latest best- and worst-practice examples in crisis communications management – from industrial accidents to financial and reputational emergencies – and delivers timely pointers on how to effectively craft a crisis communications response strategy utilising social and traditional media.

What you get out of it
We provide fresh insight into how your company can update its crisis communications strategy for the Web 2.0 era, plus we deliver a comprehensive understanding of how these evolving technologies are forever changing corporate communications practice. This is a practical, results-oriented workshop delivered by veteran media trainers and social media experts with a deep background in e-reputation and crisis management for FTSE 100-sized firms.

Contact us for more information on all our training courses.