Bernhard Warner

Bernhard Warner is the editorial director for Custom Communication and the co-founder of the Social Media Influence Conference.

Prior to helping Matthew launch Custom Communication, I too was a journalist, working in newsrooms in the U.S. and across Europe. I started my journalism career as a crime reporter in the early 1990s (sadly, the David Simon similarities end there), moving on to cover Madison Avenue and the Internet boom for Adweek and, later, The Industry Standard, Reuters and The Times Online. My reportage has also appeared in Wired, The Guardian, The Financial Times and Variety.

What really energises me though is social media. I spend much of my day on blogs, Flickr, YouTube, Twitter…the list goes on. Luckily, I’ve found a way to turn this fascination into a creative outlet, helping companies make sense of this raw chatter and advising them how to begin to - gasp! - converse with this vibrant community. Offline, I live in Rome (when not in London) with my wife Cristina and my tomato plants in a funky neighbourhood built largely by Mussolini, now a stronghold of the Left. Talk about animated chatter!